Clause 001: Quality Control System Requirements
The supplier shall comply with all elements of ISO 9001:2015 Quality Systems – Model for quality assurance in design, production development, installation, and servicing.
Clause 002: Right of Entry and Review Requirements
During the performance of this purchase order, the supplier’s quality control or inspection system and manufacturing processes are subject to review, verification by authorized BMC personnel and/or our customers.
Clause 003: Certificate of Conformance
A certificate of conformance (C of C) shall be provided with each shipment. The C of C can be a separate document, or it can be included as part of shipping /packing slips text. The following data and information shall be included on each C of C:
- Suppliers name and address
- Statement that the parts conform to the purchase order requirements and applicable standards (Military, ASTM, NASM, etc.… specifications shall include applicable revision level)
- O. # and line-item number
- Original manufacturer’s name and part number (when supplier is not the manufacturer)
- Customer part number
- Revision Letter
- Lot number
- Serial number
- Quantity shipped (listed quantities by to be broken out by lot, and totaled)
- Date Code
- Date and authorized signature of quality representative or company official representative
- Manufacturers Country of Origin
- When required by drawing or technical data:
- Lot Numbers
- Serial Numbers
- Required and actual hardness values
- Date code
- Physical and Chemical Analysis certified by an independent laboratory
- Date of shipment
NOTE: Distributor Policy
BMC suppliers shall ensure flow down to, and compliance with, all applicable Purchase Order requirements to their sub-tier’s suppliers.
If the distributor is not the OEM, in addition to the distributor C of C, a C of C must be provided for all sub-tier suppliers to BMC through the supply chain showing traceability to the OEM per Clause 003.
Clause 004: Certificate of Compliance for Special Processes
Special process (e.g., welding, brazing, plating, heat treating, chem. Film, etc.) shall be performed by customer approved sources. The list of approved sources shall be provided via the customer’s contract/purchase order quality requirements.
Clause 005: First Article Inspection Report
A First Article Inspection Report (FAIR) per AS9102 is required. A FAIR is required on one (1) unit minimum, randomly selected from the first production lot for each part number. The FAIR must accompany the unit with shipment. The FAIR and the associated part must be segregated in the event of shipment with associated production lot number. In addition, a FAIR is required if:
- A period of 24 months has elapsed since last purchase of the item.
- A delta FAIR is required in the event of changes in design, configuration, and manufacturing location.
The shipping documents and container must clearly identify the first article unit. Approval of the FAIR is required prior to acceptance of any production lots.
Clause 006: Certified Quantitative Test Results
Certified copies of quantitative test results as required per the technical drawing requirements shall accompany each shipment. Examples of test requiring documentation are:
- Hardness test
- Pressure test
- Vibration test
- Torque settings
- Weight
- Tension tests, etc.
NOTE: The certification shall contain adequate information for material lot, identification, (e.g., BMC P.O. #, part number/revision, quantity supplied, unit lot identification number, serial numbers, date codes, type/grade/class/condition of the material, any other pertinent information required for material/lot identification).
Clause 007: Calibration System Requirements
The supplier shall maintain a documented calibration system in accordance with the requirements of this clause. The equipment used to inspect, test, or qualify material supplied to BMC shall be calibrated in accordance with an internationally recognized system, and equipment accuracy shall be traceable to the National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST). Supporting documentation shall be maintained to verify that, at the time of use on the product to be supplied to BMC, such equipment conformed to the requirements of this clause and all applicable specifications.
Clause 008: Raw Material Certification
All shipments of material shall be accompanied by a statement certifying that the material supplied conforms to the requirements of the BMC purchase order and applicable specifications. The certification shall further state that supporting data is on file either at the supplier’s facility, or at their sub-tier contractors, available to BMC for review, and will be provided to BMC upon request.
The certificate shall contain adequate information for material lot identification (e.g., BMC P.O. #, part number/revision, quantity supplied, unique lot identification number, serial numbers, type/grade/class/condition of the material, and any other pertinent information required for material/lot identification).
If the distributor is not the OEM, in addition to the distributor Certification, a Certification must be provided for all sub-tier suppliers to BMC through the supply chain showing traceability to the OEM per Clause 003/Clause 008.
Clause 009: Inspection Data Required
The supplier shall perform physical inspection of the applicable material/parts in accordance with BMC requirements of the purchase order and applicable drawing. The supplier shall provide data as follows:
- Quantitative data when actual values are checked
- When applicable, Go/No-Go checks shall be identified (e.g., standard size bores, threads checked with Go/No-Go thread gages, etc.)
Clause 010: Material Packaging
Unless otherwise specified (by purchase order, drawing, etc.), the supplier shall take reasonable precautions to determine that all material is protected against corrosion, contamination, damage and/or other elements that adversely affect the quality and/or application of the material. The material shall be packaged adequately to protect it throughout the manufacturing process, handling, transit, storage, and end use.
Clause 011: ITAR (International Trade in Arms Regulations)
Buyer(s) documents supplied to the supplier/vendor under this Purchase Order contains technical data as defined by the U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) 22 CRF section 120.10.
Supplier: including its contractors, shall ensure compliance with the following requirements as it pertains to the disclosure or transfer of technical data or provision of a defense service to foreign persons in connection with technical discussions:
- Vendor location in the United States.
- Any technical data provided by BMC, the supplier shall comply with all U.S. government rules and regulations relating to export controls, including the ITAR 200 CRF section 120-130 and Arms Export Control Act (AECA).
- The supplier shall not export any article, material, software, technical data, or technology received from BMC without first obtaining any required export license or written authorization from the government and BMC.
- Vendor shall not transfer or disclose any controlled article, material, software, technical data, or technology received from BMC to any individual who is not a U.S. person as defined in the ITAR section 120.15, or any foreign company or entity, whether in the U.S. or abroad, without first obtaining any required export license or written authorization from the government and BMC.
- Vendor and its employees shall maintain a strict confidentiality for all technical data received from BMC. The Vendor agrees that all employees, contractors, consultants, or agents working shall comply with these obligations of confidentiality.
Clause 012 Shelf-Life Material
The following information should be included on each C of C for shelf-life limited material:
Item # | Requirement | C of C Requirement |
1 | Manufacturers Name | X |
2 | Environmental storage conditions | X |
3 | Data of manufacturers and/or cure date (month/year or quarter/year) |
X |
4 | Date of shipment | X |
5 | Lot number, or batch number, and compound number (as applicable) |
X |
6 | Shelf-life expiration date (MM/YY) |
X |
At the time of receipt at BMC, the material shall have at least 80% of the shelf life remaining.
Clause 013 Aviation / Defense / Space
-Quality System
The supplier shall comply with all elements of current revision AS9100 Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defense Organizations.
-Flow Down
Suppliers are required to flow down to sub-tier suppliers the requirements of BMC purchasing and quality documents, including Key Characteristics where required.
-FOD control program
The supplier shall have a documented FOD program. The FOD program shall ensure that work is accomplished in a manner preventing foreign objects or debris/materials from entering and remaining in deliverable items. FOD training shall be provided to employees performing operations on FOD sensitive products, maintenance of the work area and control of tools, parts, and materials to mitigate the risk of FOD incidents. Tooling, jugs, fixtures, and test or handling equipment shall be maintained in a state of cleanliness to prevent FOD.
-2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
Companies supplying parts or product for use in BMC/Customer product might be required to complete a conflict Minerals Questionnaire. Conflict Minerals are Tin, Tungsten, Tantalum and Gold. BMC requires that this requirement be flowed down to any sub-tier suppliers. If a supplier is unable to complete this request or indicate that any conflict minerals do originate in “covered countries,” then BMC will likely need to conduct additional due diligence with your company and supply chain in order to determine the source of conflict minerals.
-Eye Examination
BMC requires individuals performing inspection of product for final acceptance have annual eye examinations with records for visual acuity and color vision administered by a medically trained/qualified person. Individuals shall have the following vision in at least one eye, either corrected or uncorrected: Near Vision- Snellen 14/18 or better (20/25 or better), Jager Type 2 at 14 inches or greater, Ortho Rater 8 or equivalent. Color Vision- must be able to distinguish & differentiate between colors used for which certification is required, process performed or inspection activity.
-Suspect/Counterfeit Items Prevention
Suppliers must have a suspect/counterfeit items prevention program in accordance with AS9100 and DOE O 414.1D Attachment 3 guidelines. The purpose of this program shall be to prevent the delivery of counterfeit parts and control parts identified as counterfeit.
- 52.204-2 “Security Requirements” (Applicable to Purchase Orders that involve access to classified information.)
- 52.204-9 “Personal Identity Verification of Contractor Personnel” (Applicable to Purchase Orders when Seller’s employees are required to have routine physical access to a Federally controlled facility and / or routine access to a Federally controlled information system.)
- 52.211-5 “Material Requirements”
- 52.211-15 “Defense Priority and Allocation Requirements”
- 52.215-22 “Limitations on Pass-Through Charges – Identification of Subcontract Effort” (Applicable to solicitations for Purchase Orders that will incorporate FAR clause 52.215-23 or 52.215-23 Alt I.)
- 52.215-23 & Alt I “Limitations on Pass-Through Charges” (Include Alternate I if it is included in the prime contract.) (Applicable to cost-reimbursement Purchase Orders that exceed the simplified acquisition threshold, except if the contract is with the Department of Defense (DoD), then this clause is applicable to all cost-reimbursement Purchase Orders and fixed-price Purchase Orders, except those identified in FAR 15.408(n) (2) (i) (B) (2), that exceed the threshold for obtaining cost or pricing data in accordance with FAR 15.403-4.)
- 52.219-8 “Utilization of Small Business Concerns”
- 52.222-4 “Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards – Overtime Compensation” (Applicable to Purchase Orders that require or involve the employment of laborers and mechanics at any tier.)
- 52.222-41 “Service Contract Labor Standards” (Applicable to Purchase Orders that are subject to the Service Contract Labor Standards statute.)
- 52.222-50 & Alt 1 “Combating Trafficking in Persons” (Alternate 1 is applicable to Purchase Orders if it is included in the prime contract.)”
- 52.222-54 “Employment Eligibility Verification” (Applicable to Purchase Orders for (i) for construction or commercial or noncommercial services (except commercial services that are part of a purchase of a COTS item or an item that would be a COTS item, but for minor modifications, performed by the COTS provider, and that are normally provided for that COTS item); (ii) has a value more than $3,000 or the dollar threshold in effect as of the date of the prime contract; and (iii) includes work performed in the United States.)
- 52.222-55 “Minimum Wages Under Executive Order 13658” (Applicable to Purchase Orders regardless of dollar value, which are subject to the Service Contract Labor Standards statute or the Wage Rate Requirements (Construction) statute and are to be performed in whole or in part in the United States.)
- 52.223-3 “Hazardous Material Identification and Material Safety Data” (“Government” means “Government and Buyer” in this clause.)
- 52.223-5 “Pollution Prevention and Right-to-Know Information” (Applicable to Purchase Orders that provide for performance on a Federal facility.)
- 52.223-7 “Notice of Radioactive Materials”
- 52.223-11 “Ozone-Depleting Substances”
- 52.224-1 “Privacy Act Notification” (Applicable to Purchase Orders when the design, development, or operation of a system of records on individuals is required to accomplish an agency function.)
- 52.224-2 “Privacy Act” (Applicable to Purchase Orders that require the design, development, or operation of any system of records on individuals that is subject to the Privacy Act.)
- 52.225-1 “Buy American – Supplies”
- 52.225-5 “Trade Agreements”
- 52.225-8 “Duty-Free Entry” (Applicable to Purchase Orders including supplies that may be imported into the United States.)
- 52.225-13 “Restrictions on Certain Foreign Purchases”
- 52.225-26 “Contractors Performing Private Security Functions Outside the United States” (Applicable to Purchase Orders issued under (i) DoD contracts that that will be performed in areas of contingency operations, combat operations, as designated by the Secretary of Defense, or other significant military operations, as designated by the Secretary of Defense upon agreement of the Secretary of State or (ii) non-DoD contracts that will be performed in areas of Combat operations, as designated by the Secretary of Defense, or other significant military operations, upon agreement of the Secretaries of Defense and State that the clause applies in that area.)
- 52.227-9 “Refund of Royalties” (Applicable to Purchase Orders in which the amount of royalties reported during negotiation of the Purchase Order exceeds $250.)
- 52.227-10 “Filing of Patent Applications-Classified Subject Matter” (Applicable to Purchase Orders that cover or likely to cover classified subject matter.)
- 52.227-11 “Patent Rights – Ownership by the Contractor” (Applicable to Purchase Orders for experimental, developmental, or research work to be performed by a small business concern or nonprofit organization.)
- 52.227-14 “Rights in Data – General”
- 52.227-19 “Commercial Computer Software License”
- 52.228-3 “Workers’ Compensation Insurance” (Defense Base Act)
- 52.228-4 “Workers’ Compensation and War Hazard Insurance Overseas”
- 52.228-5 “Insurance-Work on a Government Installation”
- 52.232-39 “Unenforceability of Unauthorized Obligations”
- 52.232-40 “Providing Accelerated Payments to Small Business Subcontractors” (Applicable to Purchase Orders awarded after December 26, 2013, to small business when Buyer receives Accelerated Payments under its prime contract.)
- 52.234-1 “Industrial Resources Developed Under Defense Production Act Title III”
- 52.236-13 “Accident Prevention” (Applicable to fixed-price construction, fixed-price dismantling, demolition, or removal of improvements Purchase Orders.)
- 52.237-2 “Protection of Government Buildings, Equipment and Vegetation”
- 52.242-13 “Bankruptcy”
- 52.243-6 “Change Order Accounting”
- 52.244-5 “Competition in Subcontracting”
- 52.244-6 “Subcontracts for Commercial Items”
- 52.245-1 “Government Property” (Applicable to Purchase Orders issued under non-DoD prime contracts containing FAR 52.245-1 without Alternate I and the Purchase Order is either a cost-reimbursement, time and materials, or labor hour type, or is a fixed priced Purchase Order awarded on the basis of submission of certified cost or pricing data (reference FAR 45.104). Under DoD prime contracts containing FAR 52.245-1 without Alternate I, in addition to the Purchase Order types listed at FAR 45.104, the clause is applicable to negotiated fixed-price Purchase Orders awarded on a basis other than submission of certified cost or pricing data.)
- 52.245-1 Alt I “Government Property” (Alternate I – Applicable to Purchase Orders issued under prime contracts containing FAR 52.245-1 with Alternate I, and to Purchase Orders issued under prime contracts containing FAR 52.245-1 without Alternate I when the Purchase Order awarded is of a type other than a Purchase Order type listed in FAR 45.104 or DFARS 245.104.)
- 52.245-1 Alt II “Government Property” (Applicable to Purchase Orders for the conduct of basic or applied research at nonprofit institutions of higher education or at nonprofit institutions whose primary purpose is the conduct of scientific research.)
- 52.246-2 “Inspection of Supplies – Fixed-Price”
- 52.247-63 “Preference for U.S.-Flag Air Carriers” (Applicable to Purchase Orders that involve international air transportation.)
- 52.247-64 “Preference for Privately Owned U.S.-Flag Commercial Vessels”
- 52.249-2 “Termination for Convenience of the Government” (Fixed-Price) – (The usual substitution of the parties in which “Government” means “Buyer”, “Contracting Officer” means “Buyer’s Purchasing Representative”, and “Contractor” means “Seller” is applicable to this clause except that any express obligation to transfer or assign title to property shall be modified such that “Government” means “Government or Buyer”.) (In paragraph (d) the term “45 days” is changed to “90 days.” The term “one-year” in paragraph (e) is changed to “six months.” The term “90 days” in paragraph (l) is changed to “forty-five days.”)
- 52.223-18 “Encouraging Contractor Policies to Ban Text Messaging while Driving”
- 52.222-21 “Prohibition of Segregated Facilities”
- 52.222-26 “Equal Opportunity”
- 52.222-40 “Notification of Employee Rights under the National Labor Relations Act” (Applicable to Purchase Orders issued under prime contracts resulting from solicitations issued after December 12, 2010.)
- 52.222-20 “Contracts for Materials, Supplies, Articles and Equipment Exceeding $15,000”
- 52.222-36 “Equal Opportunity for Workers with Disabilities”
- 52.204-10 “Reporting Executive Compensation and First-Tier Subcontract Awards” (Applicable to Purchase Orders when Buyer is the Prime Contractor.) (The usual substitution of the parties is not applicable to this clause. Seller shall report to Buyer the information required under the clause.)
- 52.209-6 “Protecting the Government’s Interest when Subcontracting with Contractors Debarred, Suspended, or Proposed for Debarment”
- 52.222-35 “Equal Opportunity for Veterans”
- 52.222-37 “Employment Reports on Veterans”
Product Safety
Suppliers must ensure and that persons are aware of:
- Their contribution to product or service conformity
- Their contribution to product safety
- The importance of ethical behavior.